TAI Workshop Planning 2022/23
1 September 2022
The Thomas Ashton Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research has begun planning its workshop programme for academic year 2022/23.
The team is planning a workshop around the topic of "barriers and benefits of data sharing".The workshop is linked to the Health Science Framework project "Developing an exposure intelligence system".
Workshop planning continues with colleagues from the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC). This workshop will explore, amongst other things, safety and the perception of risk. It is hoped that regulators and industry stakeholders will help inform the University of Manchester position.
The TAI will also be delivering a workshop with the Centre for Biological Timing: "Light and circadian rhythm: exploring opportunities for interventions to improve health wellbeing and productivity".
During this workshop, we hope to explore and define collaborative research projects with industry and regulatory stakeholders who are interested in application of this technology to establish how light exposure impacts aspects of health, wellbeing or performance that are of particular relevance in their working environments.
We hope that this endeavour will identify simple practicable changes in light exposure that could benefit their workforce, reduce sick days and workplace fatigue, and improve safety and productivity.
For more information about any of our workshops, email ashton@manchester.ac.uk