Invitation to virtual workshop - Violence and Aggression in a Social Care Setting.
26 May 2023
We would like to invite key stakeholders to a virtual workshop on work-related violence and aggression in social care, on Wednesday 13 September from 10:00 – 11:30am. This is being hosted by our Violence and Aggression Research Network leads (VARN).
HSE’s statistics show that social care workers have a higher rate than average of the risk of work-related violence and aggression. This includes any incident in which a person is abused, threatened, or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work. We are interested in understanding the true extent of the problem and the impact on workers, as well as identifying potential solutions and instances of best practice.
The workshop is an opportunity to explore this topic and share information on how different organisations tackle instances of workplace violence and aggression, and to share best practice.
The session is aimed at social care managers and health and safety representatives, as we are currently trying to gauge the scale of violence and aggression rather than gather individual examples.
This research will include a survey which you can complete by following this link - Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management The deadline for the survey is 15th September and it should not take more than 10-15 minutes to complete.
If you would like to attend the workshop, please email, and include information on your role (e.g. manager, health and safety rep, union rep) and we can send you an invitation.
Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.